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Save Our Hedgehogs

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Saturday, 18 May 2013

Do come along to buy some fresh eggs and a stroll down the lane :o)

I forgot to get the eggs yesterday, so armed with my trusty camera I though you may like to join me.

Out through my nice new tall gate onto the pathway and into the lane and down to the dairy farm on the left

in through the gate and there you will find a table 

with a box and a tin

Inside the box there is half a dozen free range eggs

if you need more, just ask at the farm :o)
There's two lovely blue hens eggs today - I think they're from Araucana hens(?) I've seen them call Easter Eggers too.
If you peek over the fence there are some free rangers there.

and of course there's the handsome rooster with his girls - 
I often hear his crowing :o)

I'm pleased to say there were also some rescued ex-battery hens just behind.

I walk on a little further to visit some of the dairy herd

Billy bull is in with these girls too - he was certainly bellowing at me!

I was glad the metal fence was between us ;o)
On the other side of the lane were some more sweet girls, 

and it looked to me like they needed milking.

As I turned I saw the 'finger post' at the junction had seen better days..

It certainly needs straightening and a coat of paint!

I strolled back home and decided to check the hog boxes to see how many had booked in last night, just one tucked up asleep - here's a peep,

snuggled up tightly fast asleep :o)

Hope you enjoyed walking with me.

Enjoy the weekend :o)

x x x

Thank you dear Mary for the inspiration :o)

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

New additions

Hi folks, once again I apologise for my lack of posts.  Last time I mentioned that I was going to release another two hedgehogs from the local hedgehog rescue centre.   

You probably know that I have already built and installed three hedgehog houses into the garden, but because two of them were already inhabited I'd decided to build a fourth one :o)
(I really should make a plan of them in case any of you would like to make one too.)
Anyway, here is the completed house.

It has been placed at the side of the conservatory (as this is the only place left to fit one in!)

Joan arrived with two boxes of precious cargo on the 6th May, and I transferred the two ladies into my own (cat) carriers so that they were secure until darkness fell.  They were then put into the darkened laundry until the evening came and I could release them into the world.  They had both been hand reared and didn't really have much knowledge of the outside world.  As you know I name all the hogs I release and of course these little girls have names to, so may I introduce the two little wrigglers:

(who now sports a white spot on each side)
and her buddy

(who has an inverted 'T' on her behind)

Little Myrtle again.

Once darkness came I placed each one into a new home, and waited for them to pluck up the courage to come out and investigate.  Mavis was the bravest, and was out and about devouring food within five minutes, Myrtle however was a little more shy and it was around 30 minutes before she came out to investigate.

Here's Mavis

Just about to hoover up the pile of mealworms.
(Sorry the shot is out of focus)

Since then Mavis has been a regular in the garden, either by over-nighting and also feeding.
Myrtle must have ranged further away as I've only seen her twice since release.

Archie is also a regular, and likes the ladies ;o)

You can probably, just make out his stripe - he's the hog on the left, the other one I've called Spotty as he has a lighter spot on his right bum cheek.  They met up in the feeding box.

I've started to keep a log of each hog I see, and also the over-nighters sleeping in the boxes.
It appears we have a neon 'Travelhog' sign placed by the gate, visible to hedgehogs only!  They seem to spend a night or two in one box, then disappear for another couple of nights when another moves in, in it's place.  Some nights, like last night all the boxes were empty.  It's amusing me no-end :o)

Here's another few visitors...I wonder if Wilfrid, Winifrid or May (some of last years releases) are amongst them?  I'm afraid I no longer have any way of knowing as their paint marks would have long since rubbed off.

Who ever they are, they're in good condition :o)
* * *
I have been amusing myself this afternoon trying to get shots of Mommy and Daddy Robin as they frantically flit in and out of the nest feeding their brood.  We have no idea how many little ones there are as the ivy has now covered the hole completely.   Here are the better shots.

I was trying to get an 'action' in flight shot, sadly this is the best I could do:

and if you think that's bad, this was the worst!

So, help need please.  Some of you have the MOST astounding photographs of animals in action shots, come on - HOW DO YOU DO IT?  I use a Panasonic FZ38 set onto outdoor sport mode.  I've tried other settings but to no avail, can anybody point me in the right direction please?

Well, I truly hope I'm not boring you to death with my very own 'Nature Watching'.

I'll be back again as soon as I'm able, again please forgive me not visiting and commenting too often   I'm really missing visiting you, but some days I don't even get around to switching on the laptop at all.

Sending my very best wishes to you all.

x x

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Remember this?

Our back garden 01st March this year after the new fence had been erected?  An awful lot of bare earth and no plants.
Well look at it now!  It's filled out a bit now.

I know the archway need trimming somewhat, but I was too late - we have house sparrows nesting there.

There's an arum lily in this little bed, the daffs come every year (over by now though) and the polyanthus are just filling the gap until lily returns.

The lush green leaves in the raised border is monks hood (aconite).  The rock that makes the border was once upon a time our fireplace.
A golden delicious (hubs favourite) apple tree on dwarf root stock in the blue planter

A peach in the foreground and cherry to the right (both on dwarf root stock)

The ivy growing up the garage...notice a hole about an inch from the top of the photo?

You may just see the robins eye peeping, she's sitting on eggs :o) (Possibly 4 to 6 eggs)
She will sit alone for up to 13 days until they incubate, the male has been very busy bringing her food.  Looking forward to baby robins.

I still have a clematis montana to plant and allow to scramble along the fence, another clematis to plant against the house wall along with three small holly bushes to put in.  I tend to fill borders with all sorts as I don't like to see bare earth.

Have a good week folks.