Hello folks!
I've been trying to complete the Hedgehog Info Page (the link is just below the header) over the last few days - I think I have now, but you never know what I may think of next ;o) I'd love some constructive feedback please.
So much going on in 'real life' I'm struggling sometimes to keep up with everyone, so forgive my lack of commenting.
I'd really like to welcome my latest followers, it's great to see you here :o) I see I'm creeping up towards the magical 100, and will have to find a giveaway when I reach that number.
I have been popping in the charity shops and have managed to find a 'few' things, hope you like them.
(At this point frustration hits - I'd finished the L O N G draft and just hopped off to check on some facts and the above was posted by its self, and lost all the rest :o(( I'm NOT a happy blogger) Here goes again! You may need to get a glass of wine or a cup of tea before reading any further though ;o)
I totally forgot to show you what dear Daughter had made me when she came to visit over the Jubilee weekend, yards and yards or beautiful bunting! Enough to trim all around the conservatory.

Isn't it jolly? I LOVE IT - thank you dear Vicky :o)
(Sorry about the reflection of the plate on the wall)
I hate to think of all those hours of love that is put into any needle worked item and it ends up in the charity shop, I feel the need to rescue them - am I alone ? When I spotted this 3 foot long tapestry bell pull I had to have it..
and in close up
all that work for just £3.
On the same day this sweet little cross stitched red squirrel caught my eye
4" x 4" frame - 50p
Cute eh?
By now you knowI'm obsessed I'm in love with blue and white. Oh, and cats. So you just know I wasn't going to resist this wall plate ;o)
and the backstamp..
Whilst typing this I realise that I didn't show you a little jug I found about a month ago on a trip to Ironbridge (which is only about 16 miles from my home.) Inevitably I'm going to visit it's one and only charity shop while I'm there! It's a National Trust souvenir piece from beautiful Lanhydrock in Cornwall.
I totally forgot to show you what dear Daughter had made me when she came to visit over the Jubilee weekend, yards and yards or beautiful bunting! Enough to trim all around the conservatory.
Isn't it jolly? I LOVE IT - thank you dear Vicky :o)
(Sorry about the reflection of the plate on the wall)
I hate to think of all those hours of love that is put into any needle worked item and it ends up in the charity shop, I feel the need to rescue them - am I alone ? When I spotted this 3 foot long tapestry bell pull I had to have it..
and in close up
all that work for just £3.
On the same day this sweet little cross stitched red squirrel caught my eye
4" x 4" frame - 50p
By now you know
and the backstamp..
I wonder if they're made by the famous Emma Bridgewater?
It was only two quid anyway :o) (£2)
A few weeks ago I spotted this little old crystal inkwell, the stopper was welded in place by all the dried turquoise ink that remained in it. It's 4.5" high x 2.5" wide. I filled a jug with warm soapy water and plunged it in over night, and next morning hey-presto the stopper came out with ease. It took another day to soak off the ink remnants though.
I took a chance for £1.50 and it worked :o)
I wonder how many times the nib dipped into it and what wonderful words is helped to write?
(Sorry folks - I did warn you earlier it's a L O N G post, there's still more.)
On another occasion on entering the shop this struck me as beautiful, and I'm not normally into cherubs.
The little bird is so quaint. It's china and stands 6" high, just £3.
I'm definitely NOT a Kindle kind of person, there is in my opinion nothing like holding a real book and so not surprisingly I have hundreds of them that are often read and referred to. You know I'm like a magpie with gold colours too, so when I spied these 7" high x 4.5" wide pineapple bookends...
the original price sticker said £21, they're in perfect condition and were priced at just £4.50 :o)
Guess who's books they're holding up right now?
For some time I have been buying any hedgehog themed item to donate to the hog rescue open day to help boost funds. Obviously there are a few items I've decided I wish to re-home...
The largest being 5.5" long. The three items added up to £2.50.
Incidentally, the largest ones spines feel just like the real thing when you stroke it - a relaxed one of course with spines down!
Then there's this little group which includes a field mouse, it's just like home;o)
around 4" long and 5" tall, 75p.
You know I'm a collector-holic, well another thing I collect is walking sticks - not the expensive silver topped variety, but things that catch my eye. Last week I found the smaller of the two pictured at my 'suppliers' for £3.50
The handles are antler.
In close up, the taller one
Which I bought last year from the same shop - that cost £5
and the small one
this reminded me that I'd got something a month or so back I didn't 'show' you either.
I'd looked at it for a few days in the shop until the penny (finally) dropped that it's a pen holder!
The antler is glued into a heavy granite base, and the pen fits snugly in the hole pictured on the right hand 'branch' and all for a very reasonable 50p It sits next to the phone.
Phew, nearly finished now, just two more to go.
On Wednesday when I just happened to be passing my supplier ;o)
there was a tall stack of various vintage suitcases, this smaller one caught my eye and with a little TLC I'm certain it'll look fabulous
It's 16" x 10.5" x 5" in real leather, and a leather interior too.
I thought £8 was a bargain. A man bought the other five that was there while I was still browsing - but he didn't get a lovely leather one...
And FINALLY (Yes, I CAN hear your cheers!)
Yesterday this little beauty needed to be re-homed, and I had a feeling it was something special too.
A vintage pyjama case in really good condition, and a happy surprise lurked underneath
Made by 'Merrythought'. It was £4.
This label was used from 1957 to 1991. Looking at the condition I believe it was made in the sixties. The lining is in pink silk. He's quite at home in the guest room snoozing on the bed!
I know you're thinking than goodness this post is at an end - and thank you for sticking with it!
If you have the energy and will left I'd love to read your comments - even if it's telling me to do shorter posts in future!
My very best wishes to you all