Hi folks!
Hope everyone is well and getting ready for Easter (eggs!)
I promised in my last post to share the historical find I had, well here it is, and once it belonged to Lizzie Matthews.

Many years ago I owned a very battered copy of Mrs Beeton's book of Household Management that was falling apart, and in a fit of pique threw it away when it fell apart again for the 100th time. A descision I have since regretted many times. So please imagine my utter delight when the manageress at my favourite charity shop called me 'in the back' to "show me something I might be interested in."
Full of fascinating adverts
Some of which are still available today
Though in truth I'll not be making the substitute for Cod Liver Oil any time soon!
Though today's packaging may be a little brighter.
The wild birds who visit my garden love it!
(Though I doubt you'd be able to wear the items on the postcard that was marking a recipe if you ate too much suet!)
It lists all the essentials for your kitchen, complete with prices.
And if someone could tell me where I could get a Windsor Chair for 12.5p to 17.5p I'd be delighted!
(Equivelent in decimal coinage)
And there's more...
1/- (one old shilling) = 5p (in the good old days, and yes I DO remember them well.)
It says a bit further on that you can kit our your kitchen with furniture, brooms, brushes etc., kitchen cloths etc. and utensils for a grand total of £9 12s 11d. Yes, the good old days!
Step by step photos, and lovely colour plates.
(Yes, I really should have kept the battered copy for the colour plates)
With menu suggestions, so should you be having guests over Easter I thought you may appreciate this suggestion!
No, no, don't thank me ;o) Though I really don't think any one of us would be tempted by this one.
What can you say about that one? Words fail me.
Lizzie had also put in a page of hand written 'receipts' Here's one of them.
I love the spelling of 'Plumb' pudding :o)
Then, lastly if you're suffering from a cough at the moment.....
I'm presuming the 1d means dram weight (which is eqivelent to 1/16th of an ounce), though I'm fairly certain getting hold of the laudanum (opium) is going to cause a few legal problems. I'd imagine after taking a tablespoonful every four hours you wouldn't care less that you even had a cough!
Still trying to find out what the 'Paragorata' is, anyone know?
Well that's it for now, except to wish you all a very Happy Easter.
My very best wishes, and don't eat too much chocolate ;o)
What a facinating book, especially the handwritten additions. I can understand why you regretted throwing away your first copy (but I expect we all do that at sometime, I know I have).
BUT, the thing that impressed me the most was that you were allowed IN THE BACK at the charity shop. This is hallowed ground! I've never been in there, even when I've offered bribes :)
Hi Rose Happy Easter to you to.
What a delightful find. I too have an old Mrs Beetons with handwritten recipes in but not quite like the one you have. Its always the little bits and bobs tucked into the recipe books that delight me the most as it is something from the person who once owned the item and brings them a little bit more to life.
Have a lovely weekend
take ccare
Don't fancy the roasted larks, but the book is amazing!
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
Interesting recipes! May you and your family have a wonderful Easter.♥♫
Hi Auntie Rose, I think my gran has one of those, I mean my peeps gran, I could sniff it a mile away, tatty pages with food stuck on them!!does it have any recipes for dog food ;)
Happy Easter see you Sunday, don't forget I can eat chocolate as long as its for dogs, I don't have to watch my waist line like Tess :)or mom for that matter lol.
Love George xxx
Oh what a wonderful and fun find. I just love reading old cookbooks, but the handwritten recipes makes it extra special!
What a treasure. I love to read through old home keeping type books. And yes to get a windsor chair for that price would be wonderful. We just bought four last year and they were expensive. And I need four more but I have to wait.
what a great book! I think that cough could be come addicting.
happy Easter
Hi Rose, What a great find! I love old cookbooks and medical books.
Hugs, Sherry
Hi Rose, Fabulous book with so many wonderful recipes and ideas in there. I'm afraid I did the same as you and threw my battered old copy out many years ago - wish I still had it now!!.
Hope you are enjoying your Easter break.
Karen -x-
What a fascinating book, Rose! Love the color prints! And the handwritten recipes are so interesting! I'll bet that's Paregoric...an old fashioned remedy for diarrhea. It contains opium! lol Hope you had a fabulous Easter!...hugs...Debbie
What an amazing find! There's something so comforting about old books.
Eek!! Just noticed - It's raining eggs on your blog!!!
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