Hello folks, I'm sorry that I'm WAY behind with this promised post. My Mom has been under the weather so I've been looking after her. Happily she's on the mend now so normality (what ever that is) will return. :o)
I must also welcome my new followers! I'm still quite amazed that anyone wants to read my ramblings, but you can be sure that I appreciate each and every one of you. It's so nice to know that I have friends in such far flung places, and I truly enjoy reading all of your comments.
Working through my promised post I'll show you some more of my cat collection. Here's a selection (of most) of the ones that share the lounge with us! (I should look away now if you don't like cats!) This is a LONG post, so I'd settle down with a cuppa :o)
These are on top of the writing and china cabinet to the left of the fire place. The blue and white that you see is part of the base of a tall lamp, the ginger and white cat is a one-off special made by Crazy Cats. It's label declares 'Unique, hand painted and definately different' -signed by Katz. The cat and kittens in the centre is a cold cast bronze, and the cabinet holds a selection of small cats mostly purchased on various holidays over the years. Just cut off in the bottom right hand corner is 'Second Hand Rose', which my dear friend Jan (George's Mom
http://georgethelad.blogspot.com/) gave me as a gift - it's pictured on my side bar!
A closer look in the glass cabinet -( I don't like taking photo's with mirrors in them! LOL). There's 13 in total.
The tallest cat is only an inch and a quarter. Then on the other side of the cabinet..
.... is another glass cabinet of 25 small cats.
(Please click on any photos on my Blog to enlarge them).
Then there's the fire place.....
The two Staffordshire dogs are genuine antiques - they belonged to my maternal Gt Grandparents, Mary and Joseph Wedge
My family tree)
The two candle sticks are antique too - they belonged to my maternal Grandparents, Jack and Clara Wedge, the topiary trees were a charity shop specials - I've mentioned before, and the mirror (which I love) was a rescue job. I used to work for a lighting wholesaler, who also sold beautiful mirrors. This one had been broken and the frame was going to be disposed of, I asked if I could have it - he said yes! I had a mirror made to fit with a bevelled edge (like the broken one) for under £30 - RESULT!
Now a closer look at the cats...
This is a 'Just Cats' little fella, made in Staffordshire.

This is unmarked, but I suspect she is made by 'Cats & Co.' Another Staffordshire company as all my other marked ones have the same kind of paint pattern and style.
This little tortoiseshell puss is made by Babacombe Pottery in Devon.
and this little sweetie (probably my favourite of these) is handmade by Moorside Design in Wenslydale, North Yorkshire. It is very tactile and has a lovely smooth velvety glaze.
Then in the hearth...
The large wooden cat is a recent gift from our friend James, it came in a package addressed to 'The Rose H Collection'! The little blue and white mouse was a Xmas (tree) gift from my Mom in Law about 20 years ago. She knew I loved blue and white even then! The kitten playing with the ball of wool was a birthday gift last year from our friends Sandy and Rob. It is a 'Cats & Co' model too.
The (fake) Staffordshire cats you met in a recent post :o) The little black and white is another Cats & Co, and the little mouse on the left hand side is one that just appeared.....after a friends visit!
This sleepy puss is made by Royal Caldone (not Cauldon) I think it's so cute. The candle stick was a charity shop purchase I made a couple of years ago, it cost £1.
I realise that I have quite a few 'Cats & Co' in my collection - this is purely coincidential.
However I do have a passion for
Wynstanley cats. They are made by Jenny Wynstanley in Norfolk. She has been making them for over 40 years. Here's a link to the catalogue
http://www.winstanleycats.uk.com/pages/menu.html At the moment I have nine of them and a little mouse too! Here are the first three...
The large tabby and white is life size! Don't you just LOVE their eyes?
It's the first one I had, a birthday present from my dear husband. The 'Cathedral Glass' eyes follow you around the room. The next three...
I love the little kitten on the front right :o) The photo makes the Siamese look a little strange - it's my poor photography :o( The tabby and white in he background is another life size.
The final three, and the mouse....(another gift from Sandy and Rob)
Sid occasionally sits amongst these, pretending to hide I think!
The blue eyed white cat is made by Just Cats & Co., but she looks happy to share a space with the others! She, the black and white and the crouching ginger and white are all life size. The angle of the photo is missleading as the sitting ginger and white is kitten size. I only purchase these with money I receive as birthday or Christmas gifts - so they are very special to me.
Finally.... these live on top of the Sky box...'
All are unmarked, and these two are placed by one of my favourite blue and white dishes
I hope you've liked looking at some of my collection.
Oh! I did promise to show you my weirdest collection too didn't I? Well, I keep them in here...
A little pumpkin I've had for more years than I care to recall. Then, when you lift the lid....
it reveals.....
a collection of......
CATS WHISKAS !!!!!!!!!!
Now you really know I'm strange! Don't really know why, but when our other cat Sam (sadly no longer with us) used to loose his whiskas (naturally, they are NOT cut off - very cruel) I just started to pick them up and put them in this dish. It's kinda continued with Sid. So it's taken about 12 years to collect them - yes, I know - I'm weird!
(Thinks.....should I have named this blog 'The Cats Whiskas'?!)
Well, thank you for bearing with me, and my weirdness! I'd love to hear your comments...(I think!)